Linux Permissions Managing for users, groups, and others

Linux permissions are a critical aspect of security and access control on a Linux system. Permissions are used to control who can access and modify files and directories. In Linux, permissions are assigned to three entities - users, groups, and others. Each entity has three types of permissions - read, write, and execute.

Managing Permissions for Users:

Here,  "rwx" stands for read, write and executation permissions.
Here, the "u" stands for the user.
To add a permission, you can use the "+" sign.
To remove  permissionsyou can use the "-" sign.

$ chmod u+rw example.txt

$ chmod u-x example.txt

Managing Permissions for Groups:

Here,  "rwx" stands for read, write and executation permissions.
Here, the "g" stands for the group.
To add a permission, you can use the "+" sign.
To remove  permissionsyou can use the "-" sign.

$ chmod g+rw example.txt

$ chmod g-x example.txt

Managing Permissions for Others:

Here,  "rwx" stands for read, write and executation permissions.
Here, the "o" stands for others.
To add a permission, you can use the "+" sign.
To remove  permissionsyou can use the "-" sign.

$ chmod o+r example.txt

$ chmod o-x example.txt

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